Essays & Other Writing

Essays & Other Writing

Selected Essays

“Elizabeth Bowen: New Critical Perspectives, an introduction”

“‘How to measure this unaccountable darkness between the trees:’ the strange relation of style and meaning in The Last September

“Introduction Elizabeth Bowen: New Directions for Critical Thinking” – MFS Modern Fiction Studies 53:2

“Reconsidering Elizabeth Bowen” MFS 52.1 (2006) 187-197 

“Giving Stoker His Due: Dracula’s Guest and Other Weird Stories,”  Irish Literary Supplement 

“Thomas Hardy,” Literature & History

“‘Revision/Re-Vision:’ A Feminist Writing Class,” Rhetoric Review

“Choiceless Choices: Admitting the Holocaust,” American Book Review

“What Helen Gurley Brown Taught Me about Teaching Writing,” Writer’s Craft, Teacher’s Art: Teaching What We Know, ed. Mimi Schwartz; Boynton Cook/Heinemann

“Doris Lessing,” The 60s Without Apology, eds. Sohnya Sayres, Anders Stephanson, Stanley Aronowitz, Fredric Jameson; University of Minnesota Press

“The Reader as Accomplice,” Vassar Quarterly


Surviving the Wreck, novel, John Macrae/Henry Holt and Co.; Econ Verlag;

Lie About,” short story, Exquisite Corpse

The Editor,” short story, Orchid

“The Secret,” short story, Kelsey Review

Alex Goes to Infinity and Sprinkled with Rat Poison, plays, performed at Broom Street Theater

Poems published in The Paterson Literary Review

Selected Lectures, Presentations, & Workshops

“Elizabeth Bowen’s Ireland,” invited lecture, Trevor/Bowen Literary Summer School, Mitchelstown, Ireland

“A Problem and a Wonder: Developing Students’ Metacognitive Abilities in the Creative Writing Classroom,” Northeast Modern Language Association

“‘This Pointless Verbal Excess:’ A Reconsideration of Bowen’s Stylistic Tics, ‘A Mixture of Showing off and Suspicion, Nearly as Bad as Sex’: Reading Elizabeth Bowen,” Symposium, University of Sussex

“Elizabeth Bowen Imagining Ireland,” in conjunction with a reading of “Lie About,” Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture

“Contemporary American Fiction: Styles of Engagement,” Universität Basel (in conjunction with a reading of Surviving the Wreck)

Excerpts from My Mother’s Shoes, Writers at Rutgers Reading Series

Reviews & Features

The New York Times, The Village Voice, The Washington Post, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Chicago Sun-Times, Newsday, Modern Fiction Studies, The Irish Literary Supplement, Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Chicago Tribune, American Book Review, The San Francisco Examiner, Louisville Courier-Journal, The American ScholarSojourner, Belles Lettres, Social Text, Publishers Weekly, Isthmus, WORT-FM

Other Books

13 books of trade nonfiction published by Holt, Crown, Simon & Schuster, Perigree Trade, Pocket Books, and others.

Developmental editor for The American Women’s Medical Association’s Women’s Complete Healthbook

Awards, Fellowships, & Grants

Virginia Center for the Creative Arts


Dorset Colony House

 The New Jersey State Council on the Arts

Rutgers University

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